Monday, October 17, 2011

Geography of Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California is home to nearly 10 million people, making it the second largest city in the United States.  As the weather affects many people, the people have an effect on the weather.  Smog and air pollution collect in the coastal basin during times of little air movement, a common problem in the city.

The city is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, carrying north to the Santa Monica Mountains, with the San Gabriel Mountains bordering to the east.  The temperatures in Los Angeles are mild throughout the year, due to the heavy influence of the warm, moist Pacific air.

(sources: U.S. Census Bureau,

Average Temperature and Precipitation

The annual average temperature for Los Angeles is 63.9°F with an average of 17 inches of precipitation annually.

Average Monthly Temperatures (°C)
Average Monthly Precipitation (mm)